@misc{Chambers_Ephrain_(1680-1740)_Cycllopaedia, author={Chambers, Ephrain (1680-1740)}, howpublished={online}, publisher={W. Innys [etc.]}, language={eng}, title={Cycllopaedia : or, an universal dictionary of arts and sciences ; containing an explication of the terms, and an account of the things signified thereby in the several arts, both liberal and mechanical ; and the several sciences, human and divine : The Figures, Kinds, Properties, Productions, Preparations, and Uses of Things natural and atrifical :The Rise, Progress, and State of Things ecclesiastical, civil, military, and commercial : With the several Systems, Sects, Opinions, among philosophers, divines, mathematicians, physicians, antiquaries, critics : the whole intended as a Course of antient and modern Learning : extracted from the best Authors, Dictionaries, Journals, Memoirs, Translations, Ephemerides in several Languages : in two volumes. Vol. 2}, type={książka}, keywords={język angielski-18 w.-encyklopedie}, }