Selenographia Sive, Lunæ Descriptio [...]
Title Variant: Creator: Subject and Keywords: Description:2° ; il. miedzior. ; [1] k. przedtyt., [1] k. front., [14] k., 563 s., 68 k. tabl., [40] s. tabl. kolor.
Publisher:Autoris sumtibus ; Hünefeld, Andrzej (1581-1666). Druk.
Place of publication: Date: Contributor:Boy, Adolf (1612-1680?). Il. ; Falck, Jeremiasz (ca 1610-1677). Il. ; Twenhausen, Helmich von (ca 1590-1660). Il.
Resource Type: Format: Source: Language: Relation: Rights Management: Digitalization: Localization of the Source: