Acta Societatis Physicae Experimentalis. T. 21, 1776-1792
Title Variant:Acta Societatis Physicae Experimentalis, Annus 34-50
Creator:Krüger, Ephraim (1734-1789) ; Reinick, Gabriel Gotlieb ; Scheffler, Jan Piotr Ernest von (1739-1809) ; Sendel, Christian (1719-1789) ; Zorn von Plobsheim, Friedrich August (1711-1789)
Subject and Keywords:manuscript ; research ; scientific papers ; Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Danzig
Description:Pojedynczy rocznik składa się z trzech części: "Historia", "Ephemerides" i "Commentarii" ; Siedemnaście roczników opr. razem w jednym wol.
Place of publication: Date: Place of creation: Date of creation: Resource Type: Format: Source: Provenance:Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Danzig
Language: Rights Management: Access rights: Digitalization:Gdańsk University of Technology Library
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