Meletemata Thorunensia [...]. ; T. 1
Description:[8] k., 259, [1] s., [6] k. : ; [1] k. front., il. ; ; 8°
Publisher:Ioh. Nicolai [...] Senat. & Gymn. Typogr.
Place of publication: Date: Contributor:Meisner, Jakub (1678-1740). Adr. ded. ; Bärholtz, Teofil Daniel (1682/3-1731). Adr. ded. ; Weiss, Szymon (1671-1738). Adr. ded. ; Giering, Antoni. Adr. ded. ; Wende, Georg (1635-1705). ; Nicolai, Jan Ludwik (16..-1747). Druk. ; Jaenichen, Piotr (1679-1739). Wyd.
Resource Type: Format: Source: Language: Relation: Rights Management: Digitalization: Localization of the Source: