Sacræ Cantiones In Totivs Anni Solennitatibvs : Paribvs Qvaternis Vocibvs Decantande
Title Variant:Sacrae cantiones in totius anni solennitatibus
Creator:Asola, Giovanni Matteo (ante 1532-1609)
Subject and Keywords:Motety ; dzieła przed 1800 ; 16 w
Description:4 głosy: ([2], 33, [1] s. ; [2], 33, [1] s. ; [2], 33, [1] s. ; [2], 33, [1] s.) ; 4º
Publisher:Venetiis ; Apud Riciardum Amadinum
Place of publication: Date: Contributor:Amadino, Riccardo (fl. 1583-1621). Druk.
Resource Type: Format: Source: Language: Relation: Rights Management: Digitalization: Localization of the Source: