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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Bonifacio, Giovanni Bernardino \(1517\-1597\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = bookbinding] OR [Subject and Keywords = discarded parchment] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gothic minuscule script] OR [Subject and Keywords = neumatic notation] OR [Subject and Keywords = neumes] OR [Subject and Keywords = missal] OR [Subject and Keywords = gradual] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bonifacio, Giovanni Bernardino \(1517\-1597\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = oprawy zabytkowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = pergamin] OR [Subject and Keywords = neumy] OR [Subject and Keywords = notacja neumatyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = antyfonarz] OR [Subject and Keywords = graduał] OR [Subject and Keywords = makulatura introligatorska] OR [Subject and Keywords = rękopis muzyczny] OR [Title = I Capitoli \/ Del Mauro Et Del Bernia Et Altri Avthori \[...\]] OR [Title = I Capitoli \/ Del Mauro Et Del Bernia Et Altri Avthori \[...\]] OR [Creator = Mauro, Giovanni \(1490\-1536\)] OR [Creator = Mauro, Giovanni \(1490\-1536\)]

Number of results: 479

Items per page:

Vergilius Maro, Publius (70-19 a.C.) Willich, Jodocus (1501-1552)

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Titelmans, François (1502-1537)

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Sanctus Gregorius Magnus

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Sedulius (4..-45.)

[i. e. 1502]
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Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus (39-65) Bade, Josse (1462-1533) Sulpizio, Giovanni (ca 1430- ) Sabellico, Marco Antonio (1436-1506) Pio, Giovanni Battista (ca 1475-ca 1543) Beroaldus, Philippus (1453-1505) Versellanus, Georgius Dalla Croce, Giacomo (14..-ca 1526)

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Bembo, Pietro (1470-1547) Alciati, Andrea (1492-1550) Cornarius, Ianus (1500-1558) Luscinius, Ottmar (1487-1537) Bebel, Johann ( -ca 1550). Druk. Luscinius, Ottmar (1487-1537) Cornarius, Ianus (1500-1558)

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Perotto, Nicolò (1430-1480) Varro, Marcus Terentius (116-27 a.C.) Vitelli, Cornelio (fl. 1470-1490). Koment. Nonius Marcellus (3..-3..) Perotti, Pirro. Wstęp Festus, Sextus Pompeius (ca II w. n. e.) Paganini, Alessandro (14..-15..). Druk.

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Menius, Justus (1499-1558) Luther, Martin (1483-1546). Wstęp

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Dolce, Lodovico (1508-1568) Plautus, Titus Maccius (ca 250-ca 184 a.C.)

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Valla, Lorenzo (1406-1457) Bade, Josse (1462-1533) Tacuino, Giovanni (fl. 1492 - 1542) Mancinelli, Antonio (1452-ca 1505)

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Hezychiusz z Aleksandrii Bardellonus, Ioannes Iacobus (14..-15..). Adr. ded.

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Tzetzes, Ioannes (post 1110-post 1180) Gerbel, Nikolaus (1485?-1560) Lacisius, Paulus ( -15..) Tzetzes, Isaac (?-1138)

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Nonius Marcellus (3..-3..) Festus, Sextus Pompeius (ca II w. n. e.) Varro, Marcus Terentius (116-27 a.C.)


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