Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Technische Hochschule Danzig] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gdańsk University of Technology] OR [Subject and Keywords = history] OR [Subject and Keywords = photographies] OR [Subject and Keywords = postcards] OR [Subject and Keywords = universities] OR [Subject and Keywords = Politechnika Gdańska\-historia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Politechnika Gdańska\-architektura] OR [Subject and Keywords = Politechnika Gdańska\-pocztówki i fotografie\-20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Politechnika Gdańska\-pocztówki i fotografie\-21 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = korespondencja] OR [Subject and Keywords = Technische Hochschule Danzig] OR [Subject and Keywords = pocztówka] OR [Title = Politechnika Gdańska w pocztówkach. Cz. 1] OR [Title = Politechnika Gdańska w pocztówkach. Cz. 1]