Search for: [Subject and Keywords = meteorology] OR [Subject and Keywords = manuscript] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gdańsk \(Poland \; city\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Danzig] OR [Subject and Keywords = meteorologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gdańsk] OR [Subject and Keywords = 19 w] OR [Subject and Keywords = rękopisy] OR [Subject and Keywords = obserwacje] OR [Subject and Keywords = Naturforschende Gesellschaft \(Gdańsk\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Towarzystwo Przyrodnicze w Gdańsku] OR [Title = Kleefelds Beobachtungen 1828] OR [Title = Kleefelds Beobachtungen 1828] OR [Creator = Kleefeld, Johann Gottfried \(1763\-1845\)] OR [Creator = Kleefeld, Johann Gottfried \(1763\-1845\)]