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Helenowska-Peschke, Maria ; Wancław, Anna
multimedia document
Multimedia manual is a collection of representative examples covering the more important parts of the lectures on the sublejct. It can be used for self-study and lab or exam preparation purposes. Task were formulated in order to allow users to adopot general methods and schemes of task solving and at the same time encourage them to reject thought patterns and algorithms. The geometrical multistage constructions are presented step by step like during the live lectures. The successive stage of geometrical constructions is provided with a detailed description. Abstract sD models and 2D animations are provided in order to enhance spatial ability and visual memory. Besides utilizing visual illustrations and animations the solutions are supplemented with methodological guidelines.
published by the author
author ; under the copyright
Gdańsk University of Technology Library
non-commercial use only
Mar 31, 2023
Jul 2, 2010
64 655
Helenowska-Peschke, Maria Wancław, Anna
Helenowska-Peschke, Maria
Kotarska-Lewandowska, Bożena
Citation style: Chicago ISO690
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